Artykuły > Artykuły i felietony > Dzieje archiwum zakładów samochodowych w Jelczu
Dzieje archiwum zakładów samochodowych w Jelczu

Paweł Babij, Dzieje archiwum zakładów samochodowych w Jelczu, w: Archeion, T. CXVIII, wyd. NDAP, Warszawa 2017, s. 185-208

"Paweł Babij, The History of the Car Manufacturing Plant in Jelcz. The subject of the article is
the history of the car manufacturing plant in Jelcz. These plants, despite numerous reorganisations,
divisions and changes in ownership relations, have been operating in the said town (from 1987, after
granting municipal rights, the town of Jelcz-Laskowice) continuously since 1952. The chronological
scope of this text covers the period after 1957, when the fi les depot was organized.
The following chapters, while maintaining chronological order, describe the functioning of
the Files Depot of Zakłady Budowy Nadwozi Samochodowych (ZBNS) and Jelczańskie Zakłady
Samochodowe (JZS) in the years 1957–1964, the history of the JZS Plant Archive until 1995, as
well as the method and place of storing documentation in Zakłady Samochodowe Jelcz SA and other
companies established on the basis of Jelcz SA’s assets, until 2008. The last part presents the situation
in the currently existing company JELCZ Sp. z o.o.
The material presented in individual chapters has been divided on the basis of the subject matter. It
includes issues related to the organization of the unit storing the documentation, its premises, personnel
and resources, as well as the offi ce and archival standards applicable in the enterprises in question. In
the end, an attempt was made to summarize the issues raised and to present the main challenges facing
the Jelcz Sp. z o.o. Archives under organisation."


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