Artykuły > Artykuły i felietony > Współpraca organów państwa z archiwami polonijnymi
Współpraca organów państwa z archiwami polonijnymi

Paweł Wolnicki, Współpraca organów państwa odpowiedzialnych za narodowy zasób archiwalny z archiwami polonijnymi - formą zaspokajania informacyjnych potrzeb społeczeństwa, w: Archeion, T. CXVIII, wyd. NDAP, Warszawa 2017, s. 9-21

Paweł Wolnicki, Cooperation of State Authorities Responsible for the National Archival
Holdings with the Archives of the Polish Community Outside Poland — a Form of Satisfying the
Informational Needs of the Society. The process of Poland’s political transformation infl uenced the
development of the democratization of citizens’ lives, including the freedom to obtain information.
European and EU standards in this area include access not only to current, but also archival
information. They were expressed, among others, by the Council of Europe in the Recommendation
on the European Policy of Access to Archives. This document calls for the state authorities responsible
for the archival policy to undertake efforts to unify the rules of access to archival information of
various institutions, including private entities. They are distributed not only in Poland, but also beyond
its borders within the circles of Polish emigrants and their descendants.
It is therefore the constitutional duty of the Polish government administration responsible for
the national archives to recognize such places, while respecting the ownership rights and the privacy
of their administrators and attempt to establish bilateral cooperation. Its purpose is to inventory
the archives of the Polish community abroad and offer them professional support in taking care of
the resources. Bilateral and formalized cooperation of NDAP with the Polish community archives
takes the form of written acts of will in the form of agreements, lending agreements, letters of intent
initiating mutual contacts. This is done with full respect for the ownership rights and the privacy of
the owners or guardians of the Polish community archives. In exchange for the state’s subsidiary
activity, a resource recognized as part of the national heritage can be protected, and information about
the Polish community abroad and its archive is disseminated in order to meet the needs of the civil
                                                      (dostęp z 26.07.2018) 

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