Artykuły > Prawne > Dokument elektroniczny w instrukcji kancelaryjnej
Dokument elektroniczny w instrukcji kancelaryjnej

Kajetan Wojsyk, Czy możliwe jest obecnie przygotowanie instrukcji kancelaryjnej uwzględniającej istnienie dokumentu elektronicznego?, w: Archeion, t. 107, wyd. NDAP, Warszawa 2004, ss. 309-324

"Kajetan W o j s y k , Is it possible to prepare chancery guidelines taking into account the existence of
an electronic document? Dynamic dissemination of systems of the electronic flow of documents, a very
fast growth of electronic data processing techniques and globalisation — and in consequence —
specific “deplacing” of information — cause the situation where chancery guidelines, which regulate
the manner of handling paper-based documents, are not capable of referring the same regulations to
electronic records, which may be said to be not explicitly defined yet. Despite of several years of
intensive growth of information science in administration, no legal regulations have yet been developed
that would regulate this area. The existing chancery guidelines — the Regulation of the Council of
Ministers — although amended from time to time, clearly do not keep the pace with the development
of technologies. It results in various implications — of legal, economic and practical nature. The article
includes considerations devoted to this problem; it has been written from the point of view of a person
who produces electronic records (with no paper representation), fully aware of the need to take up fast
and unhesitating efforts aiming at the preparation of the „future” of an electronic document and the
place of its preservation — electronic archives."
Źródło: Archeion, t. 107 

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