
Archiwiści, a zwłaszcza historycy, często stają przed koniecznościa skrócenia linku zamieszczonego w sieci...



"TinyURL™ was created when our founder, Kevin Gilbertson, ran into issues sending long links from his unicycling website to email subscribers. When sending a link that was over 80 characters, links would commonly break and not be clickable or end up sending users to 404 pages.

After a long ride on his unicycle pondering his link problems, Kevin had a big idea: What if there was a way to make those long links, well, tinier?

Thus TinyURL™ was born, the internet’s original link shortener. Since early 2002, Kevin has shared his tool with millions of people to help them shorten their links with reliable, and tiny URLs.

Now, TinyURL is offering users a full-scale link management platform that gives businesses with big ideas the power of shortened links. With a TinyURL premium account, users can create, manage, track, and grow their brands through link campaigns of all sizes.

Our TinyURLs have one giant mission…

To help you grow, scale, and dominate through the power of link management. With our shortened links, we strive to help brands fulfill their biggest ambitions.[...]"


(dostęp z 24.08.2021)

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