Artykuły > Prawne > Normatywa archiwalna Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego
Normatywa archiwalna Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego

Karol Maciejko, Wdrażanie normatywy archiwalnej Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego w polskich archiwach kościelnych na przykładzie archiwów diecezjalnych w Olsztynie, Pelplinie i Toruniu - próba oceny, w: Archeion, t. 110, wyd. NDAP, Warszawa 2010, ss. 46-52

"The implementation of the archival norm of the Code of Canon Law
in Polish church archives on the example of diocesan archives
 in Olsztyn, Pelplin and Toruń – an evaluation attempt
The article deals with the problem of the functioning of church archives in Poland,
paying special attention to the application of the archival norm of the Code of Canon Law.
Considering the autonomy of the Catholic Church in Poland from the state, guaranteed in
the concordat, the church archives use their own norms, which certainly does not exclude
the cooperation with the state archives in the scope of drawing up and enforcement of
archival regulations. The author attempts to evaluate the application of the church archival
norm in practical activity of the three diocesan archives – in Olsztyn, Pelplin and Toruń."
Źródło: Archeion, t. 110 

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